Thứ Năm, 17 tháng 1, 2019

Ham Rong Mountain in Sapa - a fantasy setting between the earthly place

Ham Rong Mountain in Sapa - a fantasy setting between the earthly place

Coming to Sapa, no one can ignore this tourist destination - Ham Rong Mountain, the name sounds so strange. Here you will witness a stunning scene. In the place where the grass is crowded with trees, the leaves are crowded with flowers, where the natural picture blends with the national culture.

Located in the heart of Sapa town, 3 km away. The lowest elevation is 1450m, the highest is 1850m, the slope is about 30 degrees. Started in 1996, built on an area of ​​nearly 150ha. This project has fully exploited the wild features, beauty of the mossy stone forests and long-standing peach forests. The higher up the scene, the dimmer it will be, it will surprise you and urge you to explore.

How to come there?

Starting from the center of Hanoi, the distance to Lao Cai is about 320km. Want to go to Sapa you have to move about 40km again. You can move by many different means to Lao Cai. If you want to be safe, choose a bus, take about 7 hours to move. If you want to see the green forests, you should choose a train as a means of transportation, about 8-9 hours you will arrive. After traveling long distances, in Lao Cai we move to Sapa. To visit Ham Rong Mountain you will use motorbikes or cars as a means of transportation.

What does Ham Rong Mountain have?

Ham Rong Mountain is a famous ecological area in Sapa. This mountain is divided into 3 main areas: Ham Rong flower garden, Thach Lam stone garden and finally Ham Rong peak.

Please consult our tours in Sapa: 

Ham Rong flower garden

 Ham Rong Mountain is also a place of blooming flowers. This flower garden is made up of the natural terrain of the rocky mountains here. The flowers are crowded with each other in the sunshine, there is a warm wind. Create a colorful royal garden. Looming pure white of apricot flowers, plum blossom, pink color of moss plants blooming.

Shilin stone garden

Continuing your journey you will feel like you are lost in the fairyland as you pass through the vast meteorite area. You want your imagination to rise, the multi-shaped stones that are raised and intertwined here will help you. Here, the mother nature favored the magnificent cliffs arranged beautifully. People consider these claws of dragons standing firmly to the ground. The footsteps following the cliffs are the way to the sky gate one and two. Set foot on the ledge, you will be ecstatic in the feeling of flying, eyeing the whole town in the misty mist.

Please click here for more tours in Sapa!

Ham Rong Peak

With an altitude of over 2000m, standing on the top of the mountain, you can see the whole scene of Muong Hoa Valley, Saen ... quickly hidden in the mist of mist. Looking up, the clouds are drifting nonchalantly. This is a famous hunting spot where young people are always looking. Not only enjoy the scenery of heaven and earth, but also enjoy the fresh, cool air of Sapa atmosphere. All create an unforgettable feeling and a bit of attachment in this beautiful land.

Culture here is also very interesting. You will also feel the cultural values ​​through the musical performances of the Mong ethnic boys and girls. Together, they sing and exchange friendly smiles and pants around folk dance.

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