Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 10, 2018

French architecture in the heart of Hanoi

French architecture in the heart of Hanoi

Besides the colorful ancient buildings of the East, the beauty of French architecture is an integral part of Hanoi.

Buildings from the French colonial period are the must-visit destinations for anyone coming to Hanoi. The French immigrated to Indochina, planning Hanoi as a center of administration, culture and economy. Therefore, many large projects are built in a modest way. Universities, theaters, administrative offices, hospitals to the villas ... still value and beauty to this day. They still bring a beautiful charm, giving Hanoi a very personal appearance.

Explore "a corner of France in the East" during a journey in Hanoi.

1. University of Pharmacy

The journey begins at the University of Pharmacy on Le Thanh Tong Street. The University of Medicine today was Indochina University, designed by French architect Ernest Hebrard. The building was built in 4 years (1923-1926) style architecture in Indochina, with Asia-Europe interference.

You can recognize the multi-layer tile roof in octagonal style of Oriental. Keep the roofs are the door decorated with patterns and paintings to support the style of the west. Inside are rows of villages, ceiling, hall, French stairs.

The building was not much renovated, still quite intact despite nearly 100 years. Here, you will feel the tranquility of an ancient school, the sophistication of the East-West architectural interference is very characteristic.

2. The Opera House

Near the University of Medicine is the Opera House, a symbol of French architecture in Hanoi. The French built in 1901 and completed in 1911. The theater was designed in the form of the Opéra Garnier Theater in Paris, but smaller and use materials suitable for local climatic conditions.

The work of two architects Harlay and Broyer in colorful, architectural lines of the theater in southern France, the way of organizing space, performance space, stairs, entrance hall ... the same theaters in Europe in the early twentieth century. Hanoi Opera House is still dazzling New French classic, especially in architecture, two-tone roof tiles with black stone tiles and decorations inside.

Timeless beauty of the Hanoi Opera House.

The event witnessed many historical events with Revolution Square in August. It is also the venue for the first session of the National Assembly of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, where the organization of many artistic performances. the importance of the whole country.

3. History Museum

National Museum of History located on Ton Dan Street is a large structure of French architecture in Hanoi. The museum was built after the Louis Finot Museum, designed by C. Batteur and E. Hebrard. Previously this was the Museum of the Far East.

A corner of National Historical Museum.

The project was started in 1926 and completed in 1932, on the land behind the Opera House, running along the banks of the Red River dyke, and the end of Guillemoto Street (today's Tran Quang Khai Street), one The location can create architectural accents for the embankment route. This is considered to be a great representation of the Indochinese architectural style, a style of effort that combines the values ​​of French architecture with the values ​​of indigenous architecture.

4. Long Bien Bridge

Opposite Tran Quang Khai, you will visit the Long Bien Bridge, the largest bridge in Asia once and a symbol of Hanoi built by French (1898-1902). The bridge was originally named Doumer, after the name of Governor Paul Doumer.

The bridge is 2,290 m over the river and 896 m in bridges, including 19 steel beams spanning 20 towers 40 m (including foundations) and stone paths. The bridge for the railroad runs in the middle. Both sides are roads for motor vehicles and walkways.

During the First Vandal War (1965-1968), the bridge was bombed ten times by US aircraft, damaged seven spans and four large pillars. During the Second Vietnam War, (1972), the Long Bien bridge was bombed four times, damaged 1,500 m bridge and two large piers were cut off.

A corner of Long Bien bridge.

Over a hundred years of existence, Long Bien Bridge has become increasingly degraded and witness a century of Hanoi history. The bridge is a beautiful view of the Red River, the middle beach and is an unforgettable destination for visitors to visit the capital.

5. Hang Dau water tower

From Long Bien bridge, you can visit Hang Dau water tower, water supply works from the French colonial era built on the sixth street Hang Dau - Hang Than - Quan Thanh - Hang Luoc - Hang Giay - Phan Dinh Phung . This tower was built by the French in 1894 to stone the city of Hanoi. Many people think it is the core, so the name 'Bau Hang Dau' has become so familiar since then.

6. Phan Dinh Phung Street

Nearby is Phan Dinh Phung Street, one of the most beautiful streets in the capital. The building dates back to the French colonial era, with both ancient trees shading trees and ancient villas. The architecture villas are diverse but lovely and harmonious with the surrounding space. Short of the road, you will see a peaceful, ancient and dear capital.

Phan Dinh Phung street is peaceful in the early morning.

7. The Presidential Palace and Chu Van An High School

Phan Dinh Phung Street is to the Presidential Palace and Chu Van An High School. These are two of the most beautiful buildings built by Indians in Indochina.

Indochina royal government designed by architect Charles Lichtenfelder and built in the years 1901-1906 with a monumental, majestic, power and cost. This is one of the largest French-built mansions in Indochina. The building is completely European style. In 1945, the building was renamed the Presidential Palace to this day.

The Presidential Palace

Chu Van An High School was founded by the French with the official name Lycee du Protectorat, in order to train staff for their ruling apparatus in Tonkin. However, the school is often known as the Grapefruit School, which students use to express their patriotism. In 1945, the school was renamed Chu Van An high school under the government of Tran Trong Kim, and kept the name since then.

Inside the school still keep French architecture in the classrooms. The school has a very famous Bat House, was repaired as a school library. This ancient villa was originally named La villa Schneider, named after the owner of the villa, a French paper mill owner named Henri Schneider. Then the building was used as the residence of the French High School Principal of the High School of Protection. Here you can see the West Lake with the old trees were planted hundreds of years.

Chu Van An high school

8. The Cathedral

A place not to be missed in the journey to discover "France in the heart of Hanoi" is Hanoi Cathedral, also known as St. Joseph Cathedral is located at 40 Nha Chung. The church was built in 1886. It is a church with Gothic architecture, used as a gathering place, meeting of the Roman Catholic community in Hanoi.

The church has a unique appearance, built of stone and brick. The front of the church consists of two towers, 31.5 m high. Each tower is fitted with 5 bells. Glazed windows produced in France then moved to Vietnam.

The church has been welcoming US President George W. Bush during a visit to Vietnam in 2006. It is also a popular destination for international visitors to Vietnam, a symbol of Catholicism in Hanoi.

Saint Joseph Cathedral

9. Dien Hong Garden

Finally, you should finish the journey at the flower garden Dien Hong flower, people call it Con Coc flower garden. During the French colonial period, the square was named Chavassieux Square (Square Chavassieux). In 1901, France built a water tank in the center of the garden, with a large square pillar, about 3.5 m high in the center, surrounded by bushes of water fountains. Therefore, the flower garden was also called by the Hanoians as Con Coc garden.

Con Coc garden

Around the flower garden is a collection of many beautiful French architectural works such as the government guest house (formerly the Northern Government), the State Bank of Vietnam (formerly Indochina Bank) and the Métropole Hotel.

Sitting in a flower garden, you can admire a corner of the French-style streets, look at the peacefulness of the city, where couples are often selected wedding photography and see the timeline as deposited in each line. architecture.

If you have time, please visit more buildings such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tran Phu Street, Green Plaza Hospital, National Library, Dong Xuan Market ... These are beautiful works, typical style. France in Vietnam.

People say that Hanoi is lucky to have the charms of French architecture. These works are an integral part of Hanoi today.

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