Chủ Nhật, 16 tháng 12, 2018

Lost in Phu Quoc heaven

Lost in Phu Quoc heaven

I still dream of a poetic Phu Quoc, where my lull in the morning sunshine of the morning just wake up, where my soul suddenly silent in the echo of the waves, sea breeze of light breeze The coconut is straight on the shore. A long dream throughout the youth path, so that the heart throbs tired times, I hope to visit the calm air there, to wade in the cool water, stroll the long sandy sand straight and sunk in the heaven sea of ​​heavenly heaven.

Phu Quoc, where we find a young dream - Photo: Hannes König

Phu Quoc is very beautiful, like water paintings cover hidden things. So, if you are looking forward to discover beautiful Phu Quoc, lets take a short flight from Saigon, you will explore the beautiful scenery of southern Pearl Islands.

Find out love - Photo: Nikita Buida


Phu Quoc has many beautiful beaches to indulge. The beach is unspoiled, pure with the natural yellow of the sand, blue as the jade of the ocean, and the freshness of the primeval forests are right nearby. Visit Phu Quoc once to enjoy the beauty of the island which is said to be one of the ten most beautiful and pristine beaches on the planet.

Long beach, one of the 10 most pristine beaches on planet - Photo: Collective

Phu Quoc also has Sao Beach full of enchanting. We encountered there a beach with a strange color, white smooth like cream, curved like a new moon. Bai Sao nestled peacefully between the two gentle mountains, creating a infinity quiet space, so that people keep on enjoying the sea with the sky to forget the daily hardship. To Sao Beach, visitors must not forget the feeling of full poetry when walking on the seaside at night. In the darkness of the night, in the mysterious illusion of white shine on the water, people are quietly immersed in their own world.

Bai Sao strange color - Photo: Evgeny Drablenkov

Bai Khem is also a place to visit in the beautiful Phu Quoc travel. To Bai Khem, tourists will be amazed by the smooth white coast, the sea is in jade green color without ever being muddy. There are undulating rocks, huge green forests around the coastal arc. In such places, people find rare tranquility, so that we can gently be soaking the sea breeze.

Khem beach with fine white sand coast - Photo: Collectibles


In the poetic painting of the sea in Phu Quoc sea, pristine islands are also one of the most poignant features of poetry. There are Nam Du Island, which is dubbed Halong Bay miniature of the southern land. Nam Du Island is still very primitive, smooth sand beach, as well as blue jade water, also coconut trees stretching out to the sea.

Nam Du Island, known as Ha Long Bay of the South - Photo: Delta Tran

At An Thoi archipelago. Where Hon Thom sandy beach stretching as long as the sky to the horizon, there are coconut shady green shining cheerful in the sunshine. There we can swim in the cool ​​water in jade color, so that the coolness of the sea touches the skin. Hon Thom also makes people fascinated by the colorful coral reefs, so that we have the opportunity to experience the very strange feeling when diving to the depths of the sea, the world of colors.

Hon Thom with coconut shady green - Photo: Huy Bang Tran

In An Thoi, we also explore the pure Móng Tay island (nail), where people refer to as the Maildives paradise of Vietnam. Nail island brings the guests into the mysterious deserted island, so that soak in the sea of ​​immense heaven, then lie quietly under the coconut green where we hear the whistling sound of the wind like a hundred years ago. The experience is unforgettable, and the pilgrims are immersed in their very own dreams.

Nail Island, the paradise Maildives in Vietnam - Photo: Collectibles

To An Thoi remember to visit Hon Gieng. It is one of the most remote islands south of the An Thoi archipelago, where one can find white sandy beaches lying in the sunshine of the Southern sun, rocky cliffs on the shore. , and then there is a world of enchanted coral, which can only be seen in the water.

Climbing rocks on the edge of the shore - Photo: Collective

Hon May Rut is also a stopping place in the beautiful jade island. It is a small island that is so much pristine, which brings the guests in the lush green world of jungle bush where you can comfortably drop yourself on a fine sandy beach, sometimes sparkling. In the hammock that is trapped under the shady trees, it sinks into the world of cloudless winds. All of them make people fascinated when talking about, so that May Rut is a wonderful place to escape from life.

Hon May Rut as a place to hide - Photo: Collectibles


Not only the sea, there are forests, Phu Quoc is also painted by picturesque scenery of small streams. The small stream of Tranh is made up of small rock crevices under the canopy of forests, through mossy rocks, and merges into a large stream that, from a distance, is thought to be a strip of silk across the forest. . Suoi Tranh takes people into the forest like in ancient stories, the stream of murmuring night, the trees are luxuriant, dense, birds singing chirping. All of them are mysterious, making the guests keep searching for hidden poems.

Tranh stream looks a silk strip across the forest - Photo: Tien Kieu

Come to Phu Quoc do not forget the Da Ban stream. Not only the gentle stream flowing through each stone, Da Ban Spring also makes people unforgettable by the large and flat blocks lying around the stream. Someone says that is where the fairies often sit down to cool bath in the earthly world, such a beautiful scene .

The Da Ban with flat stones - Photo: Dömötör Mayer

Phu Quoc also has beautiful rocky streams. There are seven majestic waterfalls screaming amidst wild mountains and wilderness, where a bunch of purple flowers highlighted, highlighting the scene of a so poetic place.

For tours & services in Phu Quoc, please check out from Orient Skyline Travel website: &


Dinh Cau or also known as Temple Shrine Long Vuong, located on a rocky cliff facing the sea. Come to Dinh Cau people are attracted by the strange shapes of stone, lying quietly do not know when. Then on the top of the mountain, Dinh Cau with a mossy roof tile tinted months hidden under the shade of old trees spread over a roof.

 Dinh tau color moss - Photos: Nguyen's Ng

From Dinh Cau looked down is the beautiful sea of ​​Phu Quoc, the waves are undulating rocky, wind blowing cage with sea scent melts in the air. Then when the afternoon down to the deep blue ocean, everything suddenly changed color change, both the space turned to dark yellow, then the red color, to the sea shimmering in extremely magical. Dinh Cau is the most beautiful sunset viewpoint in Phu Quoc, where we are immersed in the magical moment of heaven and earth.

To dusk everything too fanciful - Photo: Paul Nguyen


An ancient village in the east of Phu Quoc Island, where the appearance of a village from the old days with temporary houses, with the scene of a simple but imbued with love. Ham Ninh fishing village is the most beautiful in the morning as the sun gradually rise to the sea. Then, in the shadow of the sunset, the whole village is engulfed in a peculiar maze of names.

Ham Ninh fishing village looks like a village from the old days - Photo: Hung Nguyen Long

Ham Ninh fishing village also do not forget to enjoy the cuisine here. Here seafood is always fresh, also delicious but extremely cheap. But the most impressed visitors are the boiled cucumbers, sweet green pepper tip at the tip of the tongue, a herring salad made simple but refined, to try once is unforgettable.

Ho Quoc Pagoda, also known as Truc Lam Quoc Pagoda, is a pagoda built in the Ly - Tran dynasty style, creating a unique Vietnamese landscapes. At the Temple of the Nation, visitors will be able to admire the body of statues, mascots, carved sculptures extremely sophisticated characteristics of the Truc Lam school and understand more about the cultural identity of the spirituality of the people. Through the pattern, the horizontal poles, sentences in the temple.

Hochiminh Pagoda has the spiritual identity of the nation - Photo: Hung Nguyen

Ho Quoc pagoda, we like to be fully immersed in the wild, peaceful place in the pearl islands, so that in the bell of the temple echoes every morning, in the incense burner, people suddenly feel the heart to soften, the sorrowness does not exist in the mind.


Duong Dong Market is the largest market in Phu Quoc, where guests are amazed at the diversity of fresh seafood. Such Ham Ninh crab, squid, shellfish, snails which are all fresh .... Then specialties such as sim wine, pepper, tét rice cake with honey... All mixed in the bustling atmosphere, making the Duong Dong a unique market in Phu Quoc.

Duong Dong market brings the characteristics of Phu Quoc - Photo: Collective

Phu Quoc also has a night market, where everyone wants to visit once in this land. Phu Quoc night market operates from early evening, which is a combination of Dinh Cau night market and Bach Dang night market, which sells enough items from fresh seafood, cuisine and souvenirs. Visitors will feel lost in a colorful world, but every color is attractive. Go to Phu Quoc night market to visit the food court with hundreds of dishes with the characteristic of the sea. You can choose the best fresh seafood, see people processing and enjoy it with passion.

Phu Quoc night market shimmering in the light - Photo: Collectibles

Phu Quoc lures visitor footsteps with so many wonderful things, so that no matter how many times one may have visited it, the feelings remain the same as the original. One time to paradise island is a discovery of more than the poetry, beautiful scenes filled with fairy tales and experiences that make the guests forget their way returning.

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